Expelled: A Movie Review

May 4th, 2008

Warning: this post has no papercrafts/stamped items.  If you’re only here to see cute/fun/pretty samples, you’ll need to move on today.  I promise to be back either late tonight or sometime tomorrow with a really cute and easy project.  If you’re interested in something a bit thought provoking and a movie review, then read on.  I love ya either way!  0

Last night we went to the movies with several friends to see Ben Stein’s documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed.  You can learn more about the movie and view trailers by clicking here.  It was very well done and when it was over the theater audience errupted into applause.  It’s very easy for us as Americans of this generation to take freedoms for granted and to even sometimes forget how hard-won they were.   Just because we’ve grown up having always had freedom does not mean we will always have it without some vigilence for it in our society.  If there can be this type of censorship in the scientific community, what’s next?

Ben Stein has taken a very heavy topic and interjected comic relief like only he can – there were actually a few times where we laughed out loud!  If you enjoy documentaries – go see this movie.  If you have an interest in science – go see this movie.  If you have an interest in Intelligent Design – go see this movie.  If you are a college student or if you have a son or daughter in high school or college – go see this movie.  Even if none of those things apply to you – if you value the freedom of exchange of ideas in America – definitely GO SEE THIS MOVIE!  And if at all possible – please go see it while it is in theaters and take your friends.  Don’t wait – it won’t last long at all.  A movie like this needs our support through ticket sales.  It’s important!  It sends a message.  I e-mailed a bunch of people earlier this week and ended up going in a group of 7.  Grab some dinner and make an evening of it.  Then let me know what you think.


12 Responses to “Expelled: A Movie Review”

  1. Janet Says:

    Jami….I saw an excellent interview of Ben Stein and couldn’t be more impressed. This is a must see for my husband and I. Thanks for spreading the word!

  2. Debra Daam Says:

    I never go to the movies. I just don’t think it is a good place to be. HOWEVER, I just made my family faint dead away. I am going to go to the movies to see Expelled.

  3. waterpixie Says:

    I was wondering what this was movie was about. Thanks for posting a link to the site. Certainly something I’d be interested in watching.

  4. Juliana Says:

    My son (11) LOVED this movie (my dh took him). I, as always, will have to wait for it to come out on DVD.

    I loved the conversations that it sparked in our house, and how it rekindled his love to learn.

    My dh also loved it. So any movie that is short on violence that a father and son can see together and both LOVE–gets a thumbs up in my book!!!

  5. JanTink Says:

    I am looking forward to seeing this movie also! I’ve heard a lot of good things about it and would love to take my kids, but for some reason they are much more excited about that Pandamonium movie than this, LOL! Maybe once it comes out on DVD I can get them to watch it.

  6. MichelleY Says:

    My husband and I went last week. I TOTALLY agree with your review. This is a MUST SEE movie. I work at a Christian college so I thought it was important to see what Ben Stein had to say about ID. I was surprised to see that the documentary is more about academic freedom being taken away and less about religion. For this reason, it needs to be seen by everyone as it addresses core freedoms that our country was built upon.

    Jami, thanks for posting your review!

  7. diane mcvey Says:

    I love Ben Stein…I’m sure the movie is great! Good for you, for promoting it! 😀

  8. censorship Says:

    […] […]

  9. Dawn Berry Says:

    We saw the movie the weekend it came out and loved it. We were on vacation in Florida. It has not come to the theatre in my home town.
    Like you said, everyone in the theatre erupted in applause when it was over.
    I would say we were all in agreement on the contents.

    I highly recommend the movie.

  10. Holly Murphy Says:

    my husband and I ended up taking our four children between the ages of 6-14 along with four other kids ages 12-14 to see this movie. They were planning on seeing something else but this was the only one that worked for our time frame. We were taking them to dinner first (this is where we picked up 3 of the extra kids :o) They all knew we were going to see this, but didn’t really know what it was. Everyone but the 6 year old made it through and we had a great discussion afterwards!! Excellent movie.

  11. Carole (TruCarMa) Says:

    I love documentaries and now, after reading your review, I’m going to make plans to see this one with some friends. I think a person has to hear both sides to a debate before she can form a well-reasoned opinion, and I look forward to hearing Ben Stein’s view. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, Jami!

  12. Debbie Olson Says:

    I need to see if it’s still here; the week got busy! I know my husband and son would appreciate this one though–thanks for the nudge!

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